This morning we spotted 2 rainbow's in the sky. BM took a picture of it. "Well done", said Mrs. A. "It is colourful", said EW. "Yes! and it has a pot of gold at the end of it", said BTu.
The second one was really light so is not seen in the photo.
Ronald Mac Donald visited our school to teach us about being safe. He said,"Look both ways when you cross, don't go on the road alone." He told us a story. We learned that seat belts keep us safe so we should make it click. "Buckle up", said Ronald Mac Donald. He is really funny and made us laugh.
EW: A friend makes me happy. They are like sparkles because they shine. They are fun. MB: Friends are huggy people. They are like flowers. They are cute and smell good. SH: Friends are exciting! They are like trees, very nice. I like trees. BTu: I like playing with my friends. Friends are like shadows. They want to be with you all the time. JC: Friends play rough games with me. They are like reflections because they like to be with you. BM: Friends are like fish because they are cute and they make you happy. They make you smile. JK: Friends are like mirrors. They look at you and do the same. BTh: I like friends. They make me happy. FK: I like playing games on the computer with my friend. Friends are like ice cream, they are yummy and I like them. VS: I like doing activities with my friends. Friends are special. HY: I like playing with my friends. Friends are like the rainbow in the sun. They make you happy. TM: Friends are good to have. They are like clowns. They do funny things and make you laugh.
Well here are our thoughts. Please tell us what is a friend for you...
Welcome to our class blog. This is our place to share our learning and all the cool things we do in our class. Do have a look at our work and leave us a comment if you really liked something or if there is something we could have done differently.
We are a class of 14 pupils, which we hope will increase at the beginning of next term. Thanks for visiting.