You could directly drop the things at the SPCA office. Here is the address. 50 Westney Road, Mangere or phone for a pick up on 256-7300.
Thank you
Goobye 2010 - Hello 2011
13 years ago
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At the park we saw a fish in the pond. VS
At the park I sat on the grass. My mum came to the park. EK
At the park we saw ducks in the pond. AS
At the park I liked rolling down the hill. EW
At the park we saw a pukeko. TM
At the park I did roll down the hill. It was fun. HY
At the park I saw some ducks. FK
On Friday I went on a trip. It was fun. We saw a pukeko in the water. JK
On Friday we went to the park. I liked the pond. We threw some rocks. BTu
On Friday everybody went to the park. I saw some pukeko sculpture. BM